@techreport{alonzo_quelle_2006, title = {Quelle carrière professionnelle pour les salariés non qualifiés ?}, author = {Alonzo, P. and Chardon, O.}, year = {2006}, pages = {265--272}, number = {30}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/docs_ffc/donsoc06ye.pdf}, type = {Données sociales, La société française} }, @article{amrein-beardsley_cheating_2010, title = {Cheating in the first, second, and third degree: Educators' responses to high-stakes testing}, author = {Amrein-Beardsley, A. and Berliner, D. C and Rideau, S.}, journal = {education policy analysis archives}, year = {2010}, volume = {18}, pages = {14}, keywords = {prea2k30, USA}, url = {http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/714/0} }, @article{anastassova_ergonomie_2007, title = {L'ergonomie de la réalité augmentée pour l'apprentissage: une revue}, author = {Anastassova, M. and Burkhardt, J.-M. and Mégard, C. and Ehanno, P.}, journal = {Le travail humain}, year = {2007}, volume = {70}, pages = {97--125}, number = {2}, keywords = {apprentissage, Conception centrée sur l'utilisateur, Ergonomie, formation, prea2k30, Réalité augmentée}, url = {http://www.cairn.info/revue-le-travail-humain-2007-2-page-97.htm} }, @techreport{assouline_rapport_2008, title = {Rapport d'information fait au nom de la commission des Affaires culturelles (1) sur l'impact des nouveaux médias sur la jeunesse,}, author = {Assouline, David}, year = {2008}, pages = {138}, keywords = {nml, prea2k30, rapport officiel}, url = {http://www.senat.fr/rap/r08-046/r08-0461.pdf}, address = {Paris}, institution = {Sénat} }, @techreport{attali_rapport_2008, title = {Rapport de la Commission pour la libération de la croissance française}, author = {Attali, Jacques}, year = {2008}, pages = {1--245}, keywords = {France, prea2k30, rapport officiel}, url = {http://www.liberationdelacroissance.fr/files/rapports/rapportCLCF.pdf} }, @incollection{baron_language_2010, title = {Language diversity and research on education in France: The case of ICT}, author = {Baron, Georges-Louis and Bruillard, Eric}, year = {2010}, pages = {79–86}, keywords = {CHAP, EDA, OS, prea2k30}, publisher = {Zalozba ZRC}, editor = {Marjetta, Humar and Mojca, Zagar karer}, address = {Ljublana}, booktitle = {National languages in higher education} }, @article{baron_quelles_2010, title = {Quelles évolutions des professionnalités dans le contexte de l'enseignement supérieur en ligne ?: Quelques réflexions}, author = {Baron, Georges- Louis}, journal = {Distances et Savoirs}, year = {2010}, volume = {8}, pages = {193--206}, number = {2}, keywords = {ACLI, EDA, prea2k30} }, @book{berry_teaching_2011, title = {Teaching 2030 : what we must do for our students and our public schools : now and in the future}, author = {Berry, Barnett and TeacherSolutions 2030 Team}, year = {2011}, keywords = {prea2k30}, abstract = {Ce livre collectif rassemble une série de propositions émises par le groupe d’enseignants TeacherSolutions 2030. Ce groupe est constitué à la fois d’enseignants très expérimentés et d’enseignants novices. Ils ont réfléchi ensemble à leur métier, aux difficultés qu’ils éprouvent et proposent un certain nombre de pistes pour une évolution du système éducatif qu’ils jugent gagnante-gagnante. Pour les auteurs de cet ouvrage, le système éducatif américain est inefficace pour les élèves et décourageant pour les enseignants. Le manque de clarté et de rigueur des différentes politiques éducatives et les contrôles basés sur des éléments quantitatifs ont contraint les enseignants à la fois dans leur développement professionnel mais aussi dans leur capacité d’innovation. Les auteurs se placent dans une vision résolument optimiste. Pour eux, le système pourrait être nettement amélioré dans les années à venir. Ils identifient 4 réalités émergentes qui pourraient préfigurer des changements possibles : Un nouveau curriculum et de nouvelles manières d’apprendre grâce aux technologies numériques ; un monde connecté3e réalité émergente : gagner plus en travaillant mieux ; de nouvelles voies de transferts des innovations pédagogiques.}, publisher = {Teachers College Press ; NEA Professional Library}, address = {New York, NY; Washington, D.C.} }, @article{berthet_place_2010, title = {La place des dynamiques territoriales dans la régulation de l'orientation scolaire}, author = {Berthet, T. and others}, journal = {Formation emploi}, year = {2010}, pages = {37–52}, number = {1}, keywords = {prea2k30} }, @article{blakemore_developing_2010, title = {The Developing Social Brain: Implications for Education}, author = {Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne}, journal = {Neuron}, year = {2010}, volume = {65}, pages = {744--747}, number = {6}, month = {#mar#}, keywords = {prea2k30}, doi = {10.1016/j.neuron.2010.03.004}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089662731000173X}, abstract = {This paper discusses the development of the human social brain. First, I will argue that social cognition is uniquely important and describe evidence that social interaction plays a critical role in early brain development. I will then discuss recent research demonstrating that the social brain undergoes protracted development and that adolescence in particular represents a period of reorganization of the social brain. Finally, I will attempt to draw out potential implications of this new research for education policy and for human wellbeing.} }, @article{boudesseul_segmentation_2010, title = {La segmentation par l'orientation?}, author = {Boudesseul, G.}, journal = {Formation emploi}, year = {2010}, pages = {53–70}, number = {1}, keywords = {prea2k30} }, @techreport{bravo_societe_2009, title = {La société et l’économie à l’aune de la révolution numérique}, author = {Bravo, Alain}, year = {2009}, pages = {101}, number = {21}, url = {http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/article.php3?id_article=999}, institution = {Centre d’Analyse Stratégique} }, @techreport{busnel_evaluer_2009, title = {Évaluer la situation des personnes handicapées au regard de l’emploi. Prévenir la désinsertion professionnelle}, author = {Busnel, M. and Hennion, T. and Leguay, D.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/104000032/0000.pdf}, institution = {Ministre du travail, des relations sociales, de la famille, de la solidarité et de la ville} }, @misc{cas_france2025_2009, title = {Publication of "France 2025" Thematic Reports - Centre d'Analyse Stratégique}, year = {2009}, month = {#mar#}, keywords = {France, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/content/sortie-des-rapports-thematiques-france-2025-0}, howpublished = {http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/content/sortie-des-rapports-thematiques-france-2025-0} }, @book{chapelle_ameliorer_2006, title = {Améliorer l'école}, author = {Chapelle, G. and Meuret, D.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {}, abstract = {L'idée que l'école peut s'améliorer n'est pas qu'un acte de foi. Les recherches empiriques en sciences sociales mettent en évidence que l'école agit à partir d'un contexte social qui en détermine fortement les effets mais que, dans un contexte semblable, certaines approches pédagogiques, certains établissements, certains systèmes éducatifs produisent des effets différents : des élèves faibles moins faibles, des inégalités sociales moins élevées. La recherche en sciences sociales peut contribuer à cette amélioration de plusieurs façons, à la condition de se rappeler que la transformation radicale de l'école n'est pas possible, que les obstacles rencontrés par les élèves ne sont pas de nature à être levés d'un coup par de nouvelles pédagogies ou de nouveaux modes d'organisation, et que, l'amélioration de l'école procèdera davantage par dispositifs permettant de petits progrès successifs. Grâce aux contributions des meilleurs spécialistes actuels de la sociologie et des politiques d'éducation, les lecteurs pourront donc découvrir ici les pistes de la recherche pour améliorer l'école, en identifiant les enjeux et défis lancés à l'école, les logiques d'action et d'acteurs qui s'y jouent ainsi que les politiques possibles.}, edition = {PUF} }, @book{christensen_disrupting_2008, title = {Disrupting Class. How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns}, author = {Christensen, Clayton M. and Horn, Michael B and Johnson, Curtis W}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Livre développant une argumentation sur la plausibilité de ruptures dans les systèmes éducatifs}, publisher = {McGraw Hill} }, @article{cohen-scali_accompagnement_2008, title = {Accompagnement en entreprise et intentions liées à la carrière chez des apprentis du bâtiment}, author = {Cohen-Scali, V.}, journal = {Pratiques Psychologiques}, year = {2008}, volume = {14}, pages = {147–160}, number = {2}, keywords = {prea2k30} }, @book{collins_rethinking_2009, title = {Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology. The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America}, author = {Collins, Allan and Halverson, Richard}, year = {2009}, publisher = {Teachers College Press}, address = {New York} }, @techreport{daanen_2020_2007, title = {2020 and beyond. Future scenarios for education in the age of new technologies}, author = {Daanen, Hans and Facer, Keri}, year = {2007}, pages = {36}, keywords = {prea2k30}, abstract = {Futurelab (2007). 2020 and beyond Future scenarios for education in the age of new technologies. Open Education Series, 40 p. Available at : http://archive.futurelab.org.uk/resources/publications-reports-articles/opening-education-reports/Opening-Education-Report663}, institution = {Futurelab} }, @book{darling-hammond_flat_2010, title = {The Flat World and Education. How America's Committment to Equity Will Determine our Future.}, author = {Darling-Hammond, Linda}, year = {2010}, keywords = {prea2k30}, publisher = {Teachers College, Columbia University}, address = {New York, London} }, @article{de_jouvenel_demarche_1999, title = {La démarche prospective. Un bref guide méthodologique}, author = {De Jouvenel, H.}, journal = {Futuribles}, year = {1999}, pages = {47–68}, url = {http://www.futuribles.com/pdf/guide.pdf} }, @misc{earli_22, title = {EARLI - 22. Neuroscience and Education}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.earli.org/special_interest_groups/22._Neuroscience_and_Education}, howpublished = {{http://www.earli.org/special\_interest\_groups/22.\_Neuroscience\_and\_Education}} }, @misc{education2020, title = {education2020 - home}, journal = {Education2020.wikispaces}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://education2020.wikispaces.com/}, howpublished = {http://education2020.wikispaces.com/} }, @misc{educational_neuroscience, title = {Educational Neurosciences: Is it a field?}, journal = {ETH - EARLI SIG22 Meeting 2010}, keywords = {prea2k30, Swiss}, url = {http://www.sig-neuroedu2010.ethz.ch/}, howpublished = {http://www.sig-neuroedu2010.ethz.ch/} }, @misc{education_formation_2020, title = {Éducation et formation 2020}, keywords = {Europe, prea2k30}, url = {http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/education_training_youth/general_framework/ef0016_fr.htm}, howpublished = {http://europa.eu/legislation\_summaries/education\_training\_youth/general\_framework/ef0016\_fr.htm} }, @misc{elearningeuropa_info, title = {elearningeuropa.info}, journal = {Promoting innovation in lifelong learning}, keywords = {Europe, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.elearningeuropa.info/learnovation}, howpublished = {http://www.elearningeuropa.info/learnovation} }, @misc{emploi_2008, title = {L'emploi et la santé au travail des seniors en Europe}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Europe, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.eurogip.fr/fr/publication-l-emploi-et-la-sante-au-travail-des-seniors-en-europe.php?id=109&pays=belgique&page=1}, publisher = {Eurogip} }, @misc{esl_2020, title = {Essential Student Learnings for 2020 Through Advanced Technologies}, journal = {ILABSTECH}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.ilabstech.com/info-blog/essential-student-learnings-for-2020-through-advanced-technologies.html}, howpublished = {http://www.ilabstech.com/info-blog/essential-student-learnings-for-2020-through-advanced-technologies.html} }, @techreport{evans_planification_1981, title = {La planification de l'éducation non formelle}, author = {Evans, David R.}, year = {1981}, pages = {117}, number = {30}, keywords = {{GT2}, prea2k30, {UNESCO}}, url = {http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0007/000767/076764fo.pdf}, address = {Paris}, institution = {Institut international de planification de l'éducation / UNESCO} }, @techreport{facer_beyond_2009, title = {Beyond Current Horizons : Final report 2009 : Technology, children, schools and families}, author = {Facer, Keri}, year = {2009}, pages = {280}, keywords = {prea2k30, {UK}}, url = {http://www.beyondcurrenthorizons.org.uk/outcomes/reports/final-report-2009/}, institution = {Beyond Current Horizons} }, @techreport{finn_jr_american_2010, title = {American Education in 2030}, author = {Finn Jr, Chester E}, year = {2010}, pages = {85}, keywords = {prea2k30}, address = {Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Jr. University}, institution = {Hoover Institution’s Koret Task Force on K-12 Education. Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Jr. University} }, @article{fischer_les_2007, title = {Les différentes façons d'aborder l'orientation «processus de travail» dans la définition des programmes d'études allemands}, author = {Fischer, M. and Bauer, W.}, journal = {Revue Européenne de formation professionnelle}, year = {2007}, volume = {40}, number = {1}, keywords = {{GT2}, prea2k30} }, @techreport{fournier_origines_2004, title = {Aux origines de l’inégale appétence des salariés pour la formation}, author = {Fournier, C.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.cereq.fr/pdf/b209.pdf}, institution = {Bref CEREQ} }, @article{gaudart_fidelisation_2008, title = {La fidélisation de nouveaux dans une entreprise du BTP : Approche ergonomique des enjeux et des déterminants}, author = {Gaudart, C. and Delgoulet, C. and Chassaing, K.}, journal = {Activités}, year = {2008}, volume = {5}, pages = {23 p}, number = {2}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.activites.org/v5n2/gaudart.pdf} }, @article{gaudart_levolution_1999, title = {L'évolution des compétences au cours de la vie professionnelle}, author = {Gaudart, C. and A. Weill-Fassina}, journal = {Formation emploi}, year = {1999}, pages = {47--62}, number = {69}, keywords = {prea2k30} }, @misc{groupe_compas, title = {Groupe Compas}, journal = {Compas - Education Technologies Cognition}, keywords = {France, prea2k30}, url = {http://compas.risc.cnrs.fr/}, howpublished = {http://compas.risc.cnrs.fr/} }, @article{guichard_pour_2006, title = {Pour une approche copernicienne de l’orientation à l’école}, author = {Guichard, J.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.hce.education.fr/gallery_files/site/21/53.pdf} }, @inproceedings{hamon-cholet_2002, title = {Entre autonomie et prescription, quelles contraintes pour les salariés ?}, author = {Hamon-Cholet, S. and Ahyou and Évesque, J-M and Gautier, A-M and Revest, C. and Schwartz, Y. and Vayssière, J-L}, year = {2002}, volume = {25-27}, pages = {50--52}, keywords = {prea2k30}, address = {Aix-en-Provence} }, @article{hamon-cholet_accidents_2007, title = {Accidents et conditions de travail- Premières Informations}, author = {Hamon-Cholet, S.}, year = {2007}, volume = {31}, pages = {1--7}, number = {2}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.travail-emploi-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/2007.08-31.2.pdf} }, @techreport{horn_rise_2011, title = {The rise ok K-12 Blended Learning.}, author = {Horn, Michael B and Staker, Heather}, year = {2011}, month = {#jan#}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.innosightinstitute.org/media-room/publications/education-publications/the-rise-of-k-12-blended-learning/}, type = {White Paper}, institution = {Charter School Growth Fund, Innosight Institute, Public Impact} }, @article{hruby_review_2011, title = {Review of Research: Neuroscience and Reading: A Review for Reading Education Researchers}, author = {Hruby, George G. and Goswami, Usha}, journal = {Reading Research Quarterly}, year = {2011}, volume = {46}, pages = {156--172}, number = {2}, keywords = {prea2k30}, doi = {10.1598/RRQ.46.2.4}, url = {http://www.reading.org/Publish.aspx?page=/publications/journals/rrq/v46/i2/abstracts/rrq-46-2-hruby.html&mode=redirect#} }, @misc{importance_environnement, title = {L'importance de l'«environnement» dans l'apprentissage de la lecture au Japon = The importance of the environment in the learning of reading in Japan}, url = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3453248}, howpublished = {{http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN\&cpsidt=3453248}}, type = {Text} }, @techreport{johnson_report_2010, title = {2010 Horizon Report}, author = {Johnson, L. and Levine, A. and Smith, R. and Stone, S.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://wp.nmc.org/horizon2010/}, address = {Texas}, institution = {The New Media Consortium} }, @techreport{juniper_ar_2011, title = {Mobile Augmented Reality : Forecasts, Applications and Opportunity Appraisal 2009-2014}, author = {Juniper Research}, year = {2011}, keywords = {{GT3}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.juniperresearch.com/reports/mobile_augmented_reality} }, @article{koedinger_knowledge-learning-instructionkli_2010, title = {The knowledge-learning-instruction (KLI) framework: Toward bridging the science-practice chasm to Enhance robust student learning}, author = {Koedinger, K.R. and Corbett, A.T. and Perfetti, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {42}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://www.learnlab.org/documents/KLI-Framework-Tech-Report.pdf} }, @misc{laboratoire_eda, title = {Laboratoire EDA - EA 4071}, keywords = {France, prea2k30}, url = {http://eda.shs.univ-paris5.fr/}, howpublished = {http://eda.shs.univ-paris5.fr/} }, @article{landrier_comment_2010, title = {Comment l'orientation contribue aux inégalités de parcours scolaires en France}, author = {Landrier, S. and Nakhili, N.}, journal = {Formation emploi}, year = {2010}, pages = {23–36}, number = {109}, keywords = {{GT4}, prea2k30}, url = {http://formationemploi.revues.org/index2734.html} }, @article{marincola_translational_2003, title = {Translational Medicine: A two-way road}, author = {Marincola, Francesco}, journal = {Journal of Translational Medicine}, year = {2003}, volume = {1}, pages = {1}, number = {1}, keywords = {prea2k30}, doi = {10.1186/1479-5876-1-1}, url = {http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/1/1/1}, abstract = {The purpose of translational research is to test, in humans, novel therapeutic strategies developed through experimentation. Translational research should be regarded as a two-way road: Bench to Bedside and Bedside to Bench. However, Bedside to Bench efforts have regrettably been limited because the scientific aspects are poorly understood by full time clinicians and the difficulty of dealing with humans poorly appreciated by basic scientists. Translational research would be most useful to the scientific community at large if journals would foster specific interest for the publication of ex vivo human observation. The review process for such work should be assigned to clinical scientists competent not only in the intricacies of molecular or cell biology but also intimate with the reality of Internal Review Boards, ethics committees, Governmental Regulatory Agencies and most importantly the humane aspects of dealing with sick individuals and their families. This approach may focus both basic and clinical scientists and those struggling to fill the gap between them on the effective treatment of diseases affecting women, men and children making translational research more than an interesting concept.} }, @article{marincola_trouble_2011, title = {The trouble with translational medicine}, author = {Marincola, Francesco M}, journal = {Journal of Internal Medicine}, year = {2011}, keywords = {Biomedical research, clinical research, prea2k30, translational medicine, translationalresearch}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02402.x}, url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02402.x/abstract}, abstract = {Abstract.? Marincola {FM} {(Clinical} Center and {trans-NIH} Center for Human Immunology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, {MD}, {USA).} The trouble with translational medicine {(Foresight).} J Intern Med 2011; doi:10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02402.x} }, @article{marquie_penibilite_2010, title = {Pénibilité et usure cognitive chez les seniors. Des mesures à court et à long terme}, author = {Marquié, J. C}, journal = {Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement}, year = {2010}, volume = {71}, pages = {333–337}, number = {3}, keywords = {{GT4}, prea2k30} }, @article{molinie_se_2005, title = {Se sentir capable de rester dans son emploi jusqu’à la retraite?}, author = {Molinié, A. F}, journal = {Revue Pistes}, year = {2005}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, keywords = {{GT4}, prea2k30} }, @misc{ocde-ceri, title = {Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) - Brain and Learning}, author = {OCDE-CERI}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecd.org/document/63/0,3343,en_2649_35845581_38792447_1_1_1_1,00.html}, howpublished = {http://www.oecd.org/document/63/0,3343,en\_2649\_35845581\_38792447\_1\_1\_1\_1,00.html} }, @book{ocde_assessing_2010, title = {Assessing the Effects of {ICT} in Education Indicators, Criteria and Benchmarks for International Comparisons}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2010}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecd.org/document/8/0,3343,en_2649_35845581_45512072_1_1_1_37455,00.html}, edition = {OCDE} }, @book{ocde_education_2010, title = {Education Today 2010 The {OECD} Perspective}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2010}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?K=5KMBMNM3LDHC&m=42&ds=;%20education%20%26%20skills;&dc=500&sort=sort_date/d&mw=5&lang=en&stem=True&st_01=31&sf_01=subjectcode&st_02=not%20e4%20or%20e5%20or%20p5&sf_02=subversioncode&plang=en}, edition = {OCDE} }, @book{ocde_examens_2010, title = {Examens de l'OCDE sur l'éducation et la formation professionnelles Formation et emploi : relever le défi de la réussite}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2010}, keywords = {OCDE, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?K=5KMFLTR794VF&m=34&ds=;%20education%20%26%20skills;&dc=500&sort=sort_date/d&mw=5&lang=en&stem=True&st_01=31&sf_01=subjectcode&st_02=not%20e4%20or%20e5%20or%20p5&sf_02=subversioncode&plang=fr}, edition = {OCDE} }, @book{ocde_oecd_2010, title = {OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training Learning for Jobs}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2010}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {www.oecd.org/edu/learningforjobs}, edition = {OCDE} }, @book{ocde_reconnaitre_2010, title = {Reconnaître l'apprentissage non formel et informel résultats, politiques et pratiques}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2010}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?K=5KSKMBFS68MT&m=64&ds=;%20education%20%26%20skills;&dc=500&sort=sort_date/d&mw=5&lang=en&stem=True&st_01=31&sf_01=subjectcode&st_02=not%20e4%20or%20e5%20or%20p5&sf_02=subversioncode&plang=fr}, edition = {OCDE} }, @book{ocde_trends_2010, title = {Trends Shaping Education 2010}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2010}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?CID=&LANG=en&SF1=DI&ST1=5KSF24NBZB7C}, edition = {OCDE} }, @book{ocde_understanding_2002, title = {Understanding the Brain Towards a New Learning Science}, author = {OCDE}, year = {2002}, keywords = {{OCDE}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?K=5LMQCR2K9T8S&lang=EN&sort=sort_date%2Fd&stem=true&sf1=Title&st1=brain&sf3=SubjectCode&st4=not+E4+or+E5+or+P5&sf4=SubVersionCode&ds=brain%3B+All+Subjects%3B+&m=11&dc=12&plang=en}, edition = {OCDE} }, @techreport{ofsted_virtual_2009, title = {Virtual learning environments: an evaluation of their development in a sample of educational settings}, author = {Ofsted}, year = {2009}, keywords = {{GT3}, prea2k30}, url = {http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Publications-and-research/Browse-all-by/Documents-by-type/Thematic-reports/Virtual-learning-environments-an-evaluation-of-their-development-in-a-sample-of-educational-settings} }, @misc{pirstec_atelier, title = {Atelier de réflexion prospective {PIRSTEC}}, author = {PIRSTEC}, keywords = {prea2k30}, url = {http://pirstec.risc.cnrs.fr/statique/afficher/ateliers_syn#V}, howpublished = {{http://pirstec.risc.cnrs.fr/statique/afficher/ateliers\_syn\#V}} }, @techreport{pirstec_atelier_2010, title = {Atelier de réflexion prospective « Sciences et Technologies Cognitives ». 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