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Contenus associés au tag rapport
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Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) - Brain and Learning Tags :
gt1, apprentissage, cognition, neurosciences, rapport, projet Is the current classroom model of learning “brain-unfriendly”? Why are students failing to master numeracy and literacy skills efficiently enough to be employable? Why are one out of six students disruptive and school-haters?
Since 1999, CERI's “Brain and Learning” project has been working towards a better understanding of the learning processes of an individual’s lifecycle.
New Media Consortium & Educause Learning Initiative: Horizon report Tags :
gt3, gt1, tice, rapport The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing
work of the NMC’s Horizon Project, a long-running
qualitative research project that seeks to identify and
describe emerging technologies likely to have a large
impact on teaching, learning, research, or creative
expression within learning-focused organizations.